Case overview
Amarose, a skincare brand, encountered policy challenges in online ad campaigns, struggling with content restrictions and finding inadequate support from various agencies. Turning to Omni Media, Amarose found a perfect match in a partner that prioritized individualized attention, thorough research, and a methodical approach.
Omni Media’s tailored strategy and results-driven methodology provided a refreshing solution, contrasting with previous disappointing experiences and establishing a successful collaboration.

The Brief
Vestibulum posuere pharetra massa, in scelerisque orci pulvinar in. Suspendisse tristique vehicula ante. Nam consequat nibh justo, non sollicitudin sem placerat vitae. Praesent dignissim sem a auctor scelerisque. Duis placerat dui ac tortor tincidunt, pulvinar condimentum ex euismod. Vivamus ultrices vitae tortor ut rutrum. Integer sed pharetra neque, ut commodo tortor. Maecenas vehicula semper tortor, ut auctor diam ornare ut. Pellentesque et ex et dolor tempor suscipit. Phasellus vel orci vel orci tincidunt interdum. Nunc quis viverra metus. In cursus tempor purus et tincidunt.

Our Approach
We addressed Amarose’s challenges with a meticulous strategy—conducting in-depth brand and market research, ensuring a comprehensive onboarding process involving copywriters, designers, and account audits. In contrast to generic campaigns, we prioritized individualized attention, transparency, and a results-driven philosophy. Omni Media’s grounded and personalized approach proved to be the breath of fresh air Amarose needed, solidifying a successful partnership.
After months spent dealing with agencies that over-promised and un- der-delivered, Omni Media’s grounded and personalized approach was a breath of fresh air. The Amarose team knew they had found the right partner.

The Results
Omni Media focused on Performance Max and Dynamic Search campaigns. With Performance Max, Omni Media was able to promote all of Amarose’s inventory across the full scope of Google channels, all through a single campaign. And to enable the brand to scale in an intelligent way, Omni Media took advantage of Google’s machine learning capabilities by creating custom audiences to direct the Al algorithms. The results speak for themselves: Amarose’s campaigns gave 3000 conversions and $150,000 of value in 2023.